View Full Version : Central Texas JDM Mechanic

03-08-2020, 04:59 PM
New to me ‘91 JDM LiteAce. 200,000 km on the odo. Looks like I’m in need of a head gasket job. Been burning coolant and the expansion tank has been dumping coolant when I turn off the engine. It’s recently been having temp gauge fluctuations, where it ticks up during idle but drops back down when driving.

Anyway... looks like I need a reputable JDM diesel mechanic or at the least someone versed in the 80’s Toyota Diesel engines. Any leads would be much appreciated.

Also, what else should I tackle when doing the head gasket? Timing belt looks fairly new, but at 200k km. Who knows. Definitely doing an oil change and filter, maybe new glow plugs? There’s an oil leak as well, but I haven’t dug into it to track it down.

03-10-2020, 05:45 PM
I just did mine not that long ago. Ill msg you

03-30-2021, 11:35 PM
I'm in NTX and I need to do this to my 3CT. Let me know if you ended up doing it yourself or if you found a mechanic to do it. I'd be willing to drive down to ATX to get it done. My driveway isn't conducive to much maintenance work. :/