View Full Version : Do I need a new Distributor?

11-25-2019, 10:57 AM
A little background. I have been driving this van (1985 2wd) for two years. I replaced the distributor cap on it about a year ago when it would not start and I saw a small crack. I also had to replace the ECU after blowing it with a bad battery hook up. But it has been running great for months.

Last week I pulled out and got about 100 yards before it sputtered and died. I noticed to oil was super low and freaked out. It is turning over no problem so I dont think the oil was the issue.

But wont start. The shop I took it too says the fuel injectors wont open and I need a new distributor because that is were the sensors that open the injectors are. I don't know what to do. Should I go for that or is it worth trying to replace things like the cap and rotor first?

I couldn't find any threads talking about the connection between the distributor and fuel injectors. I also cannot find any distributors for sale.


11-25-2019, 12:50 PM
First... are you getting a check engine light or is it throwing any codes? Whats the timing set at? Is your tps adjusted? What's the coil look like inside the distributor?

The distributor is mechanically run to be in time with the piston cycle. It get's a signal from the inginter, controlld by the ecu. The injectors are also controlled by the ecu.

The shop is either not sure how the system works, or is making stuff up.

You need to take a bit of time and do some troubleshooting. Air, fuel and spark... start with those. Check engine codes, the obvious stuff.

11-27-2019, 10:58 AM
I didn't see the check light come on.

They told me it still have spark but the injectors wont open. That's why he said it's not the cap or rotor. But I don't know what to do.

11-27-2019, 11:38 AM
I didn't see the check light come on.

They told me it still have spark but the injectors wont open. That's why he said it's not the cap or rotor. But I don't know what to do.

So it's a fuel issue then... check the fuel pump, theres info on here for checking that.
Injectors are run from the ecu...

If you have spark and air, the missing link is fuel.

Probably a good idea to verify power to ecu also... a few things that come to mind. Fusible links... if one went bad, loss of power to the ecu. EFI fuse. Body ground (needed for system voltage to run ecu…). Lack of fuel pressure... Did they check fuel pressure? Did they verify power to pump? If not, it's on you to check it.

I am thinking it's a faulty pump or power issue leading to injectors not functioning. AND, check out the fsm~ It has detailed info on the subject! More than I want to research and log here for you... but it gets you in the right direction. :) There's a troubleshooting walkthrough on the efi system that will greatly help.

Let us know what you find!