View Full Version : Loses spark once warm

08-21-2019, 03:00 AM
I have a 1986 toyota van with the 4y engine in it. The engine runs well but every time it runs for about 10 minutes then just turns off...upon further inspection i noticed that it was losing spark when warm so i began testing all the sensors and they all seemed fine so went ahead and replaced the rotor, cap, plugs and Ignitor with no change in condition. I decided to look at the ECU but it doesn't seem to be damaged in any way.
If anyone has any ideas I'm open to suggestions, none of the mechanics around my area know much about these things.

08-21-2019, 07:53 PM
I have a 1986 toyota van with the 4y engine in it. The engine runs well but every time it runs for about 10 minutes then just turns off...upon further inspection i noticed that it was losing spark when warm so i began testing all the sensors and they all seemed fine so went ahead and replaced the rotor, cap, plugs and Ignitor with no change in condition. I decided to look at the ECU but it doesn't seem to be damaged in any way.
If anyone has any ideas I'm open to suggestions, none of the mechanics around my area know much about these things.

Sounds like the ignition coil its the only thing you did not replace. Plugs cap rotor while all good maintenance items will not cause the engine to die 10 minutes after running. The igniter was probably fine the igniter is the control that tells the ignition when to fire and so it works or it does not in rare cases if the wire running from the igniter tot he distributor is chafed and grounds to the engine block you could have an issue but otherwise I have never replaced an igniter they are fairly bullet proof barring any reversing of improperly attached battery jumper cables during its lifetime .

The coil is what delivers the spark and can be sensitive to heat. I have heard you can replace the coil without removing the distributor but I was not able to do it so I had to reset the ignition timing afterwards.

Today we don't have mechanics anymore. We have technicians and if it does not have an OBD II port that you can plug in a scanner and can look up a code online , they are clueless as a fart in a blizzard. I am not knocking new technology it is just like everything else we have dumbed ourselves down, like spell check for example, who needs to spell anymore, LOL

08-22-2019, 05:51 AM
I forgot that i had replaced the coil as well, i was able to do so without removing the distributor.

08-17-2021, 12:09 AM
Man, I have a 86 toyovan just like yours and it has the same symptoms, I would appreciate it if you told me what happened to your baby and what you had to do to fix it. I'll thank you with all my soul, your answer is the same symptoms after 10 minutes it turns off by itself and does not turn on

08-18-2021, 11:23 PM
I had this same issue with my 88 4x4. It drove me nuts!!! It turned out to be the most unlikely problem and the fix was relatively inexpensive ($25 - $30 Rock Auto). I replaced the ignition switch. I had some wires that just decided to short out after I would drive for about 10/15 min. I had it towed to a really good mechanic and he could not figure out why my Van kept shutting off. I had replaced everything. I had already purchased the switch so I took it over to him and we both came to the same conclusion at about the same time. I was working so he dropped it in for me. He said it started right up. One thing I forgot to mention is what prompted the tow to his shop. As mentioned, it would shut of after 10 min then start and I would drive it. One morning on my way to work it just died and would not start again..., at all! My mechanic gave me the old one and it was basically cooked due to age. The wires were brittle causing the switch to fail and kill power to the engine.

08-19-2021, 02:10 PM
man, what piece do you mean when you say ignition switch?

08-20-2021, 02:05 PM
It's the ignition starter switch. It's located in the steering column. You can find it on Rock Auto for $30 - $40. The price has gone up a bit since I replaced mine. I just checked and they are still available.

08-26-2021, 02:16 PM
Could you send me a photo of the piece I have a toyovan 86 she turned me on in the morning and after 10 minutes it turned off by itself and then I try to turn it on and it does not turn on one day I stop turning on now it will be on me but it does not turn on I put a bomb on it New gasoline coil rotor cap and nothing I notice that there is no spark I would appreciate your help

08-26-2021, 04:12 PM
https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/Hw8AAOSwFuFdpnhY/s-l500.jpgClick to enlarge

08-26-2021, 04:23 PM
That removed the problem of your toyovan that lasted 10 minutes on and then turned off and did not turn on?

08-26-2021, 04:38 PM

08-26-2021, 04:46 PM
Man, I wanted to ask you one last question to get out of doubt the throttle body sensor has a three-pin plug controlled by a thick gray cable next to that same cable there is another identical cable but I see that it is disconnected and I look for where it is connected but I can't find where it is going so you can tell me where my toyota van 86 is connected

08-26-2021, 04:53 PM
No, but maybe someone else knows the answer to your question.