View Full Version : 1987 toyota seat/hood heat mat

07-08-2019, 11:24 AM
good morning everyone. im new to this forum. i just got an 87 toy van and looking to fix some things with my son. we are cleaning the engine, just
cleaning out leaves and things like that but the bottom of the seat/hood is all falling apart. does anyone know where i could get new insulation or whatever that would be called? or what i could use to replace it. thanks for your help!

07-08-2019, 11:54 AM
I used a product called Dynamat,(the thickest one). There are literally dozen's of brands but whichever you choose, stay away from Home Depot type of roofing materials. Asphalt based materials out-gas, you don't want to breathe that! While you are at it, you may want to do the passenger side too, if you haven't done it yet, do a search on how to open the engine bay passenger side.
BTW, welcome to TVT :wave1:

07-08-2019, 12:27 PM
nice i'll check it out thank you!!