View Full Version : "High Efficiency" radiator core - Shops near Vancouver, BC?

03-02-2012, 12:28 AM
Hey everyone! :wave1:

My name is Garrett and have an 1988 4x4 manual Yota van, that I've affectionately named "The Toaster". I've been a lurker of this site for awhile now but finally decided to register. From my lurking, I've found it to be a very helpful community and I'm excited to finally take part!

Anyways, the Toaster's radiator has had a slow leak since I've purchased it last year. I've kept up with topping the coolant levels, but it could use some work as the van runs a bit warmer than I'd like. Recently the rad light has come on as well. As new 4x4 rads aren't available anymore, I'm interested in having mine re-cored. I've read in this and other forums that rads can be re-cored with a "high efficiency" core that works better than stock. As I have long term plans for this van, I'd like to find a place that will do this job.

I've read about a shop in California (Ability Radiator) that does this job well, but in an effort to avoid shipping my rad across the border, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a shop near Vancouver, BC, or at least somewhere in Canada.

Thanks for the help! :dance2:

Oh and here's a picture of The Toaster from when I first bought her from Vancouver Island!
http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/2731/25020589173698997121000.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/138/25020589173698997121000.jpg/)

03-02-2012, 01:45 AM
Welcome to the site! If nobody chimes in with a good shop that's local to you, you might consider calling around. Some shops are much more cooperative than others and I'm guessing you'll find at least one in your area that's willing and able to find/install a high efficiency core. Good luck! Tim

03-02-2012, 12:43 PM
...you can try 'canada rad' on knight street(604-251-3022),,they've seemed quite helpful in the past.
...though there's a -possibility- I might have a spare next week:wnk:,local to you

03-05-2012, 12:21 PM
Thanks for the input. Canada Rad was recommended to me by my local shop, but I seem to recall talking to a tech there and he didn't think he could do the high eff job. I'll give them another ring though.

Micah - If you had a spare available, I'd be very interesting in potentially buying it off you :yes:

03-05-2012, 12:37 PM
Micah - If you had a spare available, I'd be very interesting in potentially buying it off you :yes:

...haven't -committed- on that yet.......I'll let you know.......m

07-29-2012, 11:03 PM
I was researching a replacement radiator for my '89 4WD and found a new 3-row copper core radiator with brass tanks. This radiator is specified to fit my 1989 4WD van. The radiator is manufactured by Spectra Premium, part number CU30. It can be found at the following URL:


Has anyone used this model CU30 radiator? If so, how has the experience been to date?

I have not found the price of this model yet. I wonder how much this new 3-row radiator may compare to having my existing radiator re-cored with a new 4-row core from an independent radiator shop (e.g. Allied Radiator in Yuba City, CA).

07-30-2012, 10:03 AM
Looking at the CU30 using the link provided, it appears to be the 2WD rad, not the 4WD.


07-30-2012, 11:59 AM
According to Spectra's website e-catalog the CU30 is for the 4wd. The 2wd takes the CU29. http://ecat.spectrapremium.com/ProduitsVehicules/vehicule/1279852

07-30-2012, 08:38 PM
Thanks for that link, Tim. :thmbup: The aftermarketautostore.com site's page really does not say which (2WD or 4WD), but because there were no DLX 4WD vans imported during 87-88, I would not have thought this was a 4WD rad without that information direct from Spectra.


07-31-2012, 01:52 AM
Has anyone used this model CU30 Spectra Premium radiator for the 4WD? If so, how has the experience been to date?

08-01-2012, 01:05 PM
Has anyone used this model CU30 Spectra Premium radiator for the 4WD? If so, how has the experience been to date?

Hello everyone!!! :wave2:
I called those guys up and they said the CU30 isn't available. The CU29 2wd is, but not the CU30.

08-02-2012, 10:47 AM
User1: I called aftermarketautostore.com ...the guy says that the p/n CU30 Spectra Premium radiator is NOT AVAILABLE. Looks like a re-core for me at some point - which would likely be the better option, since you can have a higher-efficiency 4-row core installed.

08-06-2012, 08:28 AM
Llama - am curious about the 87/88 DLX comment, was that a US market thing?
I ask as I drive an 88 DLX 4WD and have seen 3 other 4WD's come up for sale, all DLX's??
Maybe Canada got different models??
Sorry for the hijack.

08-06-2012, 10:13 AM
Yes, it was a US thing — no DLX 4WD until 1989 (which was when they changed the 4WD LE to A/T only). Didn't know they got 4WD DLX in Canada for '87 and '88, but I also don't have any '87-'88 Canadian van lit and you're the first person to say otherwise (thanks for that, BTW).
