View Full Version : 2WD & 4WD muffler comparisons

04-01-2019, 05:54 PM
2WD & 4WD passenger and cargo muffler comparisons using an old school Walker Muffler Manual and a more current online Walker Manual Catalog.

I wasn’t lucky to win the 3 Quarter Million Dollar lottery but i consider myself lucky getting my hands on 2 brand new, never installed Walker Mufflers for my 2WD and 4WD vans!!
:dance1::dance1::dance1:Sorry members these aren’t for sale.

I took a 500 mile trip Sunday morning to pick these up from a guy that had nothing to do with Toyota vans other then he installed them, he had a muffler shop that he closed and was liquidating his stock.

He showed me his Walker Muffler Manual to compare that I was getting correct ones. I took a picture of the manual in order make the comparisons with the online catalog. There’s a little bit of a difference in the two but I’m sure part numbers were changed and superseded.

I also noticed the new muffler hangers were welded in different locations then the ones I have currently on both of my vans. I’m sure the installer can cut them off and weld them in the proper place to hang the muffler correctly. Another thing is the new Walker 2WD muffler is 2” shorter and 1 1/2” smaller in diameter then the one installed in my TownAce (2WD) and the new Walker 4WD muffler is the same length but 1” larger in diameter. I have a 4WD muffler that I pulled from the Lake Stevens 4WD van that everyone had been pulling from and it’s the exact same as the one currently I stalled in my 4WD van. My van is a manual and the muffler I pulled was from an automatic van.

The part numbers are accurate and I tried to show the measurements just in case someone has found-

Somebody who knows somebody that makes mufflers for somebody.... anyone knows anybody like that?:LOL2:

Walker Catalog-

Walker online Catalog-

3 Walker Mufflers, the one at the top of the photo is the used one I pulled that is an exact match to my 4WD muffler.

Walker 40086 87’ 4WD

Used Walker muffler pulled from the yard, I think this is the Walker 40088

Walker 40198 84’-87’ 2WD


04-02-2019, 09:37 PM

I just measured the canisters on both of my 4wd vans (automatics) and they each measured out at 15" x 7.5" (round)

EDIT: I also checked my '86 2wd and it's was 16.75 inches long, oval-shaped, 8" and a smidge at it's widest and 6.5" at it's most narrow, if that makes sense. :?:

04-03-2019, 02:16 AM

Thank you for taking the time to make the comparisons, my 4WD van has the same muffler as the one I pulled from the yard van even though mine is a 87’ 5 speed and the yard van was an 89’ automatic measuring at 15~” x 6~” even though the Walker manual says for a 87’ van the Walker 40086 is the recommended fitment.... looks like a few inches isn’t a big deal.

As for my TownAce.... now that really threw me for a loop cause that one is the biggest muffler out of all of the ones I have, it measures 18” x 8”.... I was like “what thaaaa?” The TownAce is defiantly JDM chop shop jumble it together vehicle!!


02-15-2020, 02:17 PM
While reading through this post, I noticed the model number 40088 (2wd cargo) was used in the description of the photos taken for model 40086 (4wd). A small errror, but may be enough to trip up someone trying to research their exhaust options...such as yours truly.

02-16-2020, 07:38 PM
Nice catch, its been corrected :thmbup: