View Full Version : Cold Start Injector Time Switch and Advice

02-24-2019, 05:32 PM
Hey there,
I just purchased my first 1986 Toyota van cargo 2wd auto about 2 months ago and i love it. Apart from doing an oil pan because there was a big hole in it and an alternator because it had died its been great (other then the thermostat stuck closed but its Canada and winter so no issue yet!)

Whenever the weather gets below about -5c and my van has sat overnight in the cold it takes a good 15s to start and then its completely fine the rest of the day. I'm pretty well convinced the cold start injector isn't working and I wanted to test the cold start injector switch but I cant seem to find anywhere on the forum outlining where I might look for it. I would just spend a couple hours investigating but its usually around -20c and too damn cold to be grunging around without knowing where I'm going.

If anyone could point me in a direction, whether that be on my van or somewhere in the forum where its been discussed that would be great!


02-24-2019, 05:43 PM
Your post wasn't clear whether you had found THE SEARCH TIPS (https://www.toyotavantech.com/forum/showthread.php?5323-Searching-TVT-successfully-and-posting-new-threads) or not.

There are tags for both "cold start injector' and "cold start injector time switch"; if none of the current threads help you out completely, please post in the one that comes closest, and outline the different issue(s) you're having.

Hope this helps — and WELCOME to TVT! :thmbup:


02-24-2019, 06:06 PM
I did do some searching using the tags "cold start injector" and "time switch" but only found a thread about replacing the harness talking about part numbers unfortunately.

02-24-2019, 10:03 PM
THIS PHOTO (https://www.toyotavantech.com/forum/showthread.php?6192-The-WHAT-IS-THIS-PART-and-WHAT-S-THE-PART-NUMBER-Thread-for-US-Toyota-Vans-1984-1989&p=15033&viewfull=1#post15033) show the location of the cold start injector time switch.
