View Full Version : 1995 super custom

ken sub
02-12-2019, 02:27 AM
How do i get the brake master cylinder out of a super custom. It looks impossible. need help

02-12-2019, 09:08 AM
Welcome to the forum, being that you have a HiAce SuperCustom and no one has done a write on that particular van but there are a few on the US Van Wagon that have been done for you to review.

I used the Advanced Search Feature and typed in “Master Brake Cylinder” and 5-6 threads came up that may help. I’m assuming the MBS is located behind the instrument cluster in your van as well??


02-12-2019, 09:12 AM
Check out this one to get you started-


Good Luck:thmbup:


02-12-2019, 09:42 AM
What side is driver side in Kiwiland? Same as OZ? Does every thing switch side or just steering and pedals?

02-12-2019, 09:57 AM
What side is driver side in Kiwiland? Same as OZ? Does every thing switch side or just steering and pedals?

I’m assuming the SuperCustom is RHD cause I haven’t seen any LHD ones but I could be wrong. The location of the Brake Master Cylinder will be behind the instrument cluster cause the dash along with other relays, fuses, and wiring are on the other side, at least that’s how it is on my TownAce, But let’s get a confirmation from ken sub to be sure:thmbup:


02-12-2019, 10:10 AM
JDMVANMAN, If indeed it is a RHD, the answer is in post 11 of your link above. Sorry reading after opening mouth therefore stuck foot in mouth!:lol:

02-12-2019, 01:56 PM

naw man it’s all good, your thinking outside the box and thank you for your attention to detail and pointing out posting number 11 in that thread!!!:thmbup:


ken sub
02-12-2019, 07:24 PM
Check out this one to get you started-


Good Luck:thmbup:

JDMthanks but this one is a older model than my one . I must tell you my van is right hand drive. Ken

ken sub
02-12-2019, 07:26 PM
What side is driver side in Kiwiland? Same as OZ? Does every thing switch side or just steering and pedals?
Yes right hand drive...

ken sub
02-12-2019, 07:27 PM
What side is driver side in Kiwiland? Same as OZ? Does every thing switch side or just steering and pedals?
Every thing switches like a mirror...

ken sub
02-14-2019, 03:15 PM
[QUOTE=Carbonized;37448]JDMVANMAN, If indeed it is a RHD, the answer is in post 11 of your link above. Sorry reading after opening mouth therefore stuck foot in mouth!:lol: Thanks but how do I find post 11 ? when i go to next page there is nothing .

02-15-2019, 01:18 AM
Hmmmmm.... I’m not sure I understand, when you click on the link in posting #3 in this thread it should open a page referring to “Installing new Master Cylinder “ In that thread there’s 2 pages, posting #11 is located on the first page.


02-15-2019, 11:09 AM
Ken, on that same thread there is also a link to a very well done video done by TVT member Armorell. He take the whole dashboard apart because he is also doing the clutch's master. Between this thread and the links, I think anyone should be able to figure it out. Not sayin' it's a peace of cake, it's not, but all that visual info make it a lot less intimidating; ....to me anyway. There is also a section that explain how to use the guts of a LHD into RHD master cylinder housing if that is all you can get. And If you come up with a new trick or two, please post it on here so we can all learn as well :wnk:

ken sub
02-16-2019, 03:07 AM
Ken, on that same thread there is also a link to a very well done video done by TVT member Armorell. He take the whole dashboard apart because he is also doing the clutch's master. Between this thread and the links, I think anyone should be able to figure it out. Not sayin' it's a peace of cake, it's not, but all that visual info make it a lot less intimidating; ....to me anyway. There is also a section that explain how to use the guts of a LHD into RHD master cylinder housing if that is all you can get. And If you come up with a new trick or two, please post it on here so we can all learn as well :wnk:
Hi guys i think i have seen all the info on a1987 van my one is a 1995 a completly different dash . I can see the booster and the master cylinder and i have removed the nuts off the master cylinder and the booster but still there seems to be no way of getting it out. remember this is a super custom there is a lot of crap under the dash board. surely some one has had the same problem. Again thanks for your patience . Ken

02-16-2019, 09:25 AM
1995! :yikes:Jesus! a teenager! No wonder there is so much crap under the.....oops :redface: Is it a Townace, Litleace, Hiace??? Even my friend Google got it's pantie-hoses into a knot on that one. The best I got was a Two posting thread from OZ. ending on: " lots of plastic tabs to push out without braking them, good luck mate!" Funny Aussies:roflmao:. Looks like you're gonna have to take the prettiest mechanic from you nearest Toyota stealership for a date at the pub and extract some much needed info.

Ace MM
02-25-2019, 11:04 PM
https://toyota.epc-data.com or http://jp-carparts.com/toyota/carlist.php?maker=toyota links are for parts by frame number, it uses diagrams for surrounding/attached components, which has helped figure out what's still connected