View Full Version : Rear door panel louvers?

04-01-2018, 06:28 PM
so workin on cutting some new panels and wondering about these weird louver/one way air valve things that look like speaker grills on the front side...have these been discussed before? if i delete these from my new panels am i going to lose 5mph?


04-02-2018, 12:20 AM
Very interesting question. I noticed those on my LE version, don't know if they show up on the DX. Definitely not on my Standard Cargo Panel van. Best guess: Some kind of pressure equalization for the air trapped in the rear door when you open up a front window. But again just a WAG!

04-02-2018, 10:09 AM
i think youre close...maybe a pressure relief for when all windows are closed and you slam shut the rear hatch?