View Full Version : What is the Best Repair Manual for an '85 Toyota Van?

12-09-2017, 01:58 PM
I just bought a '85 van and I couldn't find a post talking about which is the best manual. I was looking at the official Toyota '85 Repair Manual, is that the best one? Should I get multiple repair manuals? Thanks!

12-09-2017, 03:59 PM
yes, factory service manual is the best one.

12-09-2017, 07:04 PM
I happen to have an 85 factory manual that I no longer need and was just getting ready to list, I got a great deal on it that I'd be happy to pass along:)

$40 shipped and she's all yours!



12-10-2017, 11:41 AM
Thanks boogieman and groundon. I see one on ebay in really good condition for $40 bucks so I think I'm going to jump on that. Thanks for your offer.

12-10-2017, 12:54 PM
NP, cant argue with a better deal:thmbup:

You might also consider picking up a Chilton manual to round it out, they're cheap and come at things from a slightly more shade tree perspective. I've found mine to be a helpful compliment, and theres one on ebay right now for $7.30:rol: It also happens to cover the Corona and Crown Cressida, so thats, um ,useful?

What I'd really like to find is a Haynes manual, but they don't seem to exist either new or used:pissed:

Good luck with your wrenching/maintenance, although given how cherry that van looks I can't imagine it will need much!


12-10-2017, 02:00 PM
Saw one for even better deal 6.60, NEW!! Thanks for pointing that out. Picked up a Chilton manual and will be buying the Yota manual soon. I hope it doesn't require too much work too but I know there are a few things that need attention. I have to cross my fingers I get this thing smogged OK.

12-10-2017, 04:33 PM
Ugh, so I was just trolling about on ebay as we were talking about this and found a third option that I had somehow previously missed when looking for service manuals!

The Chilton manual I was recommending before was this:


But I had somehow missed the fact that Chilton also offers a service manual for the vans in their new format, which is equally cheap and looks like this:


And that is actually my manual of choice, if I had to pick just one. But this is America, and it was $8, so I shall have all three:dance2: