View Full Version : New Photobucket policy is blocking some TVT images
06-30-2017, 05:23 PM
Photobucket has, without warning, blocked "3rd party hosted images" (meaning anything posted on Photobucket and then displayed on forums such as this, and other sites including ebay and craigslist) and demands an account upgrade to $399.99/year to restore said photos. Needless to say, I am not about to pay that kind of money for photo hosting, and I doubt many (if any) members here will find that to be an acceptable price point for their own purposes, either.
Not all photos are blocked yet, apparently — I'm guessing that only the most-viewed images have gotten on their radar.
Tim and I (especially Tim, who has a TON of photos and posts here) are going to have a massive job ahead of us. I've already fixed some of my most photo-intensive posts, but locating the threads and posts with single photos is next to impossible. So ... please help us out with the repair effort!
(1) If you find a thread with blocked photos, please reply to THIS thread and post a link to the thread (or post) with the blocked photo(s).
(2) If you currently have photos posted here on TVT that are hosted on Photobucket, please-please-please re-host elsewhere and edit your posts to use the new links as soon as you are able to do so.
For now, I have started a free account on Postimage ( (which is specifically intended for hosting forum images) and other than having to limit uploads to only 3-4 images at a time to avoid have some get skipped, it is working great, the interface is super-easy and (everyone should love this) there are photo rotation tools built right in. However, if anyone else has experience with other photo hosting sites (with positive or negative recommendations), comments are definitely welcome. This will be the fourth time I've had to move externally-hosted photos, and I'd REALLY rather not move them again!!! :swear:
Thanks in advance to everyone for your help and patience!!!
06-30-2017, 06:57 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I have photo bucket hosted images on most forums I belong to. I'll sign up for an imagehost or like account this week for past and future posts. -Josh:wall: down w/photbucket :wave2:bye
07-02-2017, 01:22 PM
:bdmd: I've had a paid unlimited pro account with photobucket since 2005. My subscription is set up for auto renewal with a PayPal auto-pay each Sept. So far my pics (at least the ones I checked) are still displaying, but who knows what will happen in Sept. I'm hoping I'll be grandfathered in, but who knows.
If they cancel my account and take down my pics, there's really nothing I can do about it as I do not have the time to set up a new account somewhere else and transfer over. I might consider paying the $400 for 1 or 2 years, but since this site is paid for by Gwen & I, it will be very hard to justify that long term (the few donations we receive aren't even close to being enough for that). I literally have thousands of pics hosted there that display on this forum. Due to a hard-drive failure I had in 2011, everything I posted on photobucket prior to that are my sole copies (they'll be lost forever).
Most of the more comprehensive threads I've posted and my blogs will be almost worthless without the pics, but unfortunately with business at record levels I cannot take the time to deal with this. Tim
07-02-2017, 03:28 PM
Not to have a group of angry townfolk show up on my internet door step w/torches, but maybe this site needs to become a pay or subscription site to defray the cost of photobucket and related internet site costs? A site I frequent for AE95 alltrac info made this the case a while ago, and I just consider this a cost of our hobbies. I have seen other sites use a specific link to get to shopping sites like amazon, that doesn't increase costs for buyer, but kicks down a fee (probably only a fraction of a %) to the site. I order tons of stuff from that site, diapers, oil, power tools, etc, and have used other links to get to their site so someone else will benefit from my expenditures.
Not trying to step on any toes, and I haven't been a member here that long but I see the value in preserving the knowledge base here.
07-02-2017, 03:36 PM
Well this has the potential to be catastrophic for this site and sites like it, I know photobucket is a business and needs to make money but $400 is an almost comical amount to expect from its users.
I've always used imgur for the photos I haven't directly loaded onto the site, it's been good for the occasional photo or two but haven't used it on the kind of scale required to know if it'd be a viable replacement but I'm assuming it wouldn't be.
What would be awesome would be to set up a home server or go with someone like dreamhost and host the images ourselves, which would be a lot cheaper and would likely be permanent so we wouldn't have to mess with this again. It's been about 10 years now (so a lifetime in internet years) but this was the route I went when I ran my last website. I grew tired of all the broken links and having my photos scattered all over the internet so I just hosted all of them. It worked well, but I was only getting maybe a couple of thousand hits a month, so there wasn't much that could go wrong.
I'd be curious to know what the forum's traffic statistics look like (hits, unique visitors, bandwidth, etc) to see how plausible the latter option is. If this is a route you guys decide on taking, I'd offer to help in whatever way I could.
EDIT: I do hope that this site can find a way to remain free, and I honestly think the forums would die down to just a few members if we started charging for the information listed here. True, for some people these vans are a hobby but for a lot of us, these vans are what we can afford and putting the information behind a paywall would just add insult to injury. It would fragment the community and I'd go so far as to say it would lead to more of these vans getting junked for relatively simple reasons because the information that could have been used to fix the vehicle was tied to a subscription fee. </rant>
07-02-2017, 10:18 PM
:anger: Don't even get me started!:(:It's not making money anymore :nono: I call it gouging. From hosting to holding you hostage :swear:. Key word in Gwen' s post: "Without warning" Typical Bigcorp sh... Its happening all over the web. All those poor sobs doing business on the "Cloud" just wait...
bikerjosh,(no burning torches here :)) subscriptions, advertising banners, whatever source of revenue, they all require something that Tim does not have a lot to spare: Time. And the little he has to spare he spend it answering our "brain picking":thmbup: not managing "accounts". I've got to respect that!
07-05-2017, 10:05 AM
I've always used imgur and created albums for the corresponding TVT thread. very happy with imgur as it seems to have longevity - and its free! they give you BBcode for easily linking your images when creating a new forum post/thread
08-07-2017, 11:14 AM
Photobucket really sucks. I prefer using Google Photos.
08-07-2017, 12:37 PM
Photobucket used to awesome.........but they've been declining for years. The problem is not knowing how reliable/reasonable these places will be in the future. Uploaded/sorting, getting new tags, finding and editing all old picture posts, is monumental. Once you've gone through all that it's like they have you held hostage. People would do almost anything to avoid that endless task and they're using that against us. I guess it all boils down to what it's worth to post pics on the internet. If I go through all this who's to say Google, imgur, or anybody else isn't going to pull the same crap 5 years from now?
Since there are no comprehensive add-ons for vBulletin (uploading, editing, hosting) we'd almost need to build or purchase our own picture hosting site to resolve this once and for all. I am already seeing lots of threads that have been made almost worthless by photobucket's changes (on lots of forums) and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it. My pics are all still intact, but I noticed I can no longer edit the pics I upload there. My annual renewal is fast approaching and I'm worried they'll drop my account or ask for a ridiculous renewal fee. If that happens, instead of looking for a new hosting site, I'll be looking into other options that can hopefully offer more control/security for the future. For now I'm still hoping they'll just renew per the terms of our past agreement (as I don't have time for this crap). Tim
08-07-2017, 04:44 PM
Like I said 3 posts above: Just wait... Photobucket is just the 1st one in the photo sector to do that, once the others see them get away with it they will all follow suit pronto! It has happened in the music sector, it is happening in the video game sector big time, I lost all my Formula one games cause I refused to "spit in the bucket". The hosting business has turned into hostage business. I would be willing to bet that Photobucket is going public or they are looking at a merger so it's: Shareholders first; damn the customers (I had a perfect smiley for this but I'm gonna keep it clean). Just another good business ruined by greed.
08-08-2017, 12:43 AM
Give it away until they're hooked, then stick it to them. Drug dealers use this tactic too.
08-08-2017, 08:57 AM
You mean Big Pharma? :wnk:
How about cable TV? From ad. free for a small fee, to a bigger fee +ads, to massive fee+ loads of ads + pay per view!
Want another one?: Airlines!!!!
08-14-2017, 08:29 AM
I highly recommend using imgur. It's free, simple and I have been using it for years.
08-14-2017, 08:52 AM
If I go through all this who's to say Google, imgur, or anybody else isn't going to pull the same crap 5 years from now?
Like Tim said.......
09-07-2017, 06:28 AM
Is there any resolution to the Photobucket issue Tim, Gwen? What do we users need to do to help? I have noticed some posts w/ photos blocked. Tim, I believe you were under a deadline to re-up your PhotoBucket account. Has this been done? I have additional contributions to make based on sales of parts from the '86 toyota 2WD to members and will continue to accumulate said funds as sales continue. What can we do to HELP YOU? I will even consider a similar contribution similar to the last to help! Please PM me with your thoughts about the contribution. Toyos rule!!
09-07-2017, 11:31 AM
Thanks for your concern. Regarding donations, they are always welcome :yes:. Regarding photobucket I'm on an auto-renewing subscription with them. They get an auto-pay from my PayPal account every September (since 2005). So far Photobucket hasn't contacted me, but the day for their annual auto-pay is 9/15. I suppose if they accept payment we'll be golden (at least for another year). If they reject it, then I suspect they'll be contacting me with ransom demands.
As for the blocked photos, those pics were posted by individual members with free photobucket accounts. Other than urging these members to change their hosting there's absolutely nothing we can do about that. It was a crap thing for photobucket to do and forums everywhere are suffering because of it.
I'll post updates here as to how my annual renewal goes. It's all up to photobucket. Tim
09-16-2017, 06:48 AM
How did this work out? Did they ( Photobucket) withdraw their $$$> and grant you continuance?
09-16-2017, 10:04 AM
I just checked my PayPal account and it looks like they took their money yesterday. I haven't received any notices from them regarding my account and it looks like my pics are still displaying. Since I pay for each year in advance and because they accepted payment, I think we can assume we're good for a while longer.
It still sucks what they've done to the free accounts, but it appears there's no big changes to the paid accounts. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. Tim
10-13-2018, 01:25 PM
For the benefit of anyone who has been reading this thread, Postimage broke all my photo links, and has since deleted my account and photos without notification. I definitely cannot recommend Postimage for photo hosting.
12-20-2019, 03:00 AM
Do you still have the images? I dont know why but I cant load them. I you have them can you send them to my email? Thanks
I will demonstrate dash disassembly on a 93 Previa. I know from experience that 91 - 93 Previas are the same, but unsure of anything newer as I've not worked on one yet. I suspect 94 & up are the same in these areas.....or at least very similar, but I don't know this for sure. If anyone reading this knows of anything different, please let me know by posting here in this thread. Okay, here's the procedure for 91 - 93 Previa dash disassembly:
Using a small screw driver, pry out one of the hinges to the change tray, then open it and it will come off.
Remove the ash tray.
Pull the wires from the lighter assy, then remove the black plastic cover piece.
A 90 deg scribe works well to release the plastic hooks.
Push the metal part of the assy out from behind.
Use your scribe to release the plastic hooks, then remove the white plastic part.
The plastic garnish will pull off now. Do not twist or change angles. Grab it firmly and pull straight toward you.
Remove these 4 screws, then the drink tray and frame assy will come out. It's a tight fit, but play around trying different angles and it will come out when you find the right ones.
Take out these 2 screws.
Find the hidden latch, and remove the top center dash / fuse box cover.
Remove these 2 screws.
Remove the radio and fascia assembly.
Okay, now that you got the radio out, the rest is pretty easy. Next comes the instrument panel hood. There's only 2 screws holding it on and 5 "push in / pull-out" style fasteners. Take out the screws:
After the screws are out, the only thing holding it are the 5 push-in / pull-out type fasteners. There are these 3 bumps on the hood
and they go into these 3 holes in the dash panel
The other 2 are here by the heater duct.
All you need to do (after you pull the 2 screws) is grab a hold of the hood and yank. It should pop right out. Just be careful to pull straight so you don't tweak the heat duct section. Sometimes you need to carefully loosen this area with a knife as to avoid damage while yanking out.
After you get the instrument hood off, if you need to go further, it shouldn't be a problem as all remaining fasteners are pretty obvious and easy to figure out. Tim
12-20-2019, 11:01 AM
They are displaying for me.......even your quote of my post they display. Perhaps try signing out and signing back in? Is anybody else having this issue?
12-20-2019, 11:35 AM
Odd. They are NOT displaying for me, quote or original. :confused:
12-21-2019, 09:54 PM
Huh, that's weird, now they're not displaying for me either. I sure hope photobucket isn't holding out for more money again. :pissed: :(:
12-21-2019, 10:16 PM
Tim, some of your pics in another thread I was looking at yesterday evening weren't displaying either.
12-23-2019, 04:39 AM
I host my pics on photobucket...........evidently they're having an issue??? If they aren't back up in a week I'll take a closer look. Tim
12-23-2019, 12:12 PM
I host my pics on photobucket...........evidently they're having an issue??? If they aren't back up in a week I'll take a closer look. Tim
Do you have a paid account with them? It sounds like you do from a previous post, but if not your pics hosted there should have stopped showing up a couple years ago.
I had some choice words for them when they changed their terms. Rhymes with photobucket.
12-23-2019, 12:42 PM
Yes, I have had one of their "premium" paid accounts for years. I have them set up with PayPal auto-pay, so they always get their money when it's due. I tried to sign into my account when their pics failed to display for me, then again last night........but their site was down both times (can't even get a sign-in screen). If they're gone for good that will do irreparable damage to the forum. A computer crash a few years ago wiped out many of my back-up picture files, so many of those on photobucket are sole survivors. Even if I did have back-ups, it's such a huge job to upload and arrange it's not likely I'd ever get around to it (I have thousands of pics posted here via photobucket links). Tim
12-23-2019, 12:45 PM
Okay, I just did a search and found this: %7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Looks like they're aware of it and working on a fix. Tim
PS: here's a quote from their twitter page:
**SERVICE DISRUPTION UPDATE 12/21: The majority of Photobucket Members are back online. We continue to work on getting all Members’ fully functional. We will report back as progress continues.**"
12-28-2019, 02:14 PM
Okay, I just did a search and found this: %7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Looks like they're aware of it and working on a fix. Tim
PS: here's a quote from their twitter page:
**SERVICE DISRUPTION UPDATE 12/21: The majority of Photobucket Members are back online. We continue to work on getting all Members’ fully functional. We will report back as progress continues.**"
Its reassuring (not) that they still haven't fixed the problem. I have a couple of photopucket accounts that I can't even get into anymore....
12-28-2019, 05:38 PM
Its reassuring (not) that they still haven't fixed the problem. I have a couple of photopucket accounts that I can't even get into anymore....
Yeah, I agree. They've been messed up for a few years now and IMO on their way out. Due to the length of this outage I doubt they're throwing very many resources at this. I'm guessing it's going to end up as a purge of the archives. It will be a shame to lose all that content, but the only thing I could do would be start my own hosting site..........and that's not going to happen. Tim
01-01-2020, 06:05 PM
Here is a thread that had photos when you clicked the links (just a few weeks ago) and now they are missing. I was interested in the link for reading multiple codes....
Thank you
01-01-2020, 06:41 PM
Here is a thread that had photos when you clicked the links (just a few weeks ago) and now they are missing. I was interested in the link for reading multiple codes....
Thank you
Hi Beach Van,
We recently had this discussion but it was improperly posted in the Previa Technical forum (it belongs here). For that reason I just moved those posts over to this thread. The forum automatically organizes posts based on the date/times they were made, so they will show before your most recent comment. Just scroll up to view. Tim
01-01-2020, 09:31 PM
Here is a thread that had photos when you clicked the links (just a few weeks ago) and now they are missing. I was interested in the link for reading multiple codes....
Thank you
The pdfs are still there and download for me. They won't open as a window in your brower, and you do need Acrobat Reader installed to view the PDFs.
01-01-2020, 11:50 PM
The pdfs are still there and download for me. They won't open as a window in your brower, and you do need Acrobat Reader installed to view the PDFs.
Thanks for the quick reply. The PDFs download fine, but the links that had pictures are not there...
• For an example of how the "check engine" light behaves when a van is throwing two codes, click here.
01-02-2020, 04:05 PM
Thanks for the quick reply. The PDFs download fine, but the links that had pictures are not there...
• For an example of how the "check engine" light behaves when a van is throwing two codes, click here.
That is one of the photobucket pics that are currently unavailable.
01-03-2020, 01:43 PM
I was able to see a picture that is not showing by doing a google search on the link. 1055&q=
01-04-2020, 05:27 AM
I was able to sign into my account today and here's the message I received:
Dear Photobucket Members,
We apologize for the most recent site outage that continues to impact you. While our systems are coming back online, unfortunately, you are part of a small group of Members that are still affected and we sincerely regret any inconvenience this may have caused you.
We experienced a total power outage at our primary datacenter. Because of the abrupt nature of the power outage, our system wasn’t able to utilize backup processes to stay online without interruption. Many of our systems have come back online and we are making progress so that our site is available to all Members. The process for some Members has taken longer than expected and we are working diligently to bring the site up as fast as possible without compromising any photos on the site. Most importantly, your photos are safe!
I’m sorry, I understand your frustration as well as the hardship you may have experienced over the past weeks. We all rely on trusted digital partners to make our lives easier and when they let us down it’s irritating and disruptive.
We’ve learned a lot from this experience and we are taking major steps to prevent this from happening again. We continue to work around the clock until the website is fully functional for every Member and we will keep you updated as things progress. Over the next few months, our focus will shift to rolling out a new website and new mobile apps, built on a more reliable platform.
Thank you for your commitment and loyalty to Photobucket!
01-04-2020, 08:46 AM
Dear photobucket Teddy,
This kind of words soup is what we get when corporate greed overcome the geek brain.
In your effort to purge your site of all "free" accounts, somebody wrote a wrong line of code, pushed the "GO" button and you got caught with your pants down.
You even managed to snick in a sale speech for future product into what is suppose to sound like and apology.
A forewarning to your members,the minute this "outage" happened would have avoided a lot of stress and frustration as well as prevented the back lash that your company will now suffer.
A spontaneous offer of a few years of free "premium" membership to your loyal premium member, along with free technical assistance to repair any technical damage done, would have gone miles toward restoring the lost trust in your company.
Shareholders before customers is not long term sustainable Teddy.
The user of one of your "premium paying member" 's FREE website.
01-14-2020, 01:01 PM
Today I was able to sign into my photobucket account. I was immediately stopped by a warning saying I could not proceed until I disabled my ad blocker (prevents pop-up advertisement). I have a paid photobucker account and never had to deal with this before today (disappointing). So I disabled ad blocker and was able to view my folders. All the folders are still there, but the amount of pics listed in them have greatly diminished (I estimate approx 2,000 pics are missing). I then tried to click on a folder but instead of being able to view I got an endless "loading" icon. I left and came back multiple times and tried different folders only to find the same results with each attempt. The one thing that does work is their advertisement program. I was reminded I need to clear my cache because I now I feel spied upon. I'll check it again in a few days and keep you all updated as to what happens. Tim
01-14-2020, 03:35 PM
I did a wickipedia search on photobucket, and boy, it's a wonder how this thing is still in business. Interesting read but be warned: pinch you nose before diving 'cause it stinks. Once owned by News Corp. Cannot shake the News Corp stench off, no matter how many Venture screw balls have owned it since.:no:
01-14-2020, 09:29 PM
I just sent them the following message in an email:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Hi, I own & operate an internet forum that is reliant on photobucket to display my pictures properly. I have a paid account with you and have an ~ 2,000 pics that are not displaying on the forum. This has been going on since just before Christmas and my forum is a mess.
I have been following your twitter posts and have also received the letter from Ted explaining the situation. I have been very patient while my forum suffers. I still cannot properly sign into my photobucket account. Could you please look at my account/profile and give me some sort of assistance and/or an update on what is happening. I'd also like to make an announcement on my forum as pictures are a major draw and most of the threads are worthless without them. Thank you. Tim
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
I sent this from the email address I have on file with them and I provided my account info. I received an auto-response that said dear "username" (so they know who I am) and it basically said they'd be contacting me shortly. I'll keep you posted as to what they say. Tim
01-17-2020, 09:12 AM
Awesome thanks!
01-18-2020, 01:37 PM
Here's the email response from Photobucket, it only took 4 days to get this vague and non-committal response.
Our team has nearly resolved all site issues caused by the outage, however, some accounts are still experiencing issues. Unfortunately, your account is one of the accounts that are still affected. Our team has been working non-stop to resolve all remaining site issues.
We currently don't have an estimated time when these issues will be fixed but we are hoping that this will be resolved as soon as possible. We'll reach back out to you once we have an update. Again, our apologies for the inconvenience this is causing you.
This seems like a gradual let-down to me. I would expect the next one to say something like "although most accounts were recovered, yours is one of the few that was damaged beyond repair. Again, our apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you". I would also expect some type of push to an upgraded (more expensive) account that would have protections against this sort of thing. I hope I'm wrong and I really hope they fix it, but it's been almost a month and my account was likely grandfathered into a lower annual fee structure. I'm guessing the contract wording was such they could not easily raise my annual fees. That could explain a lot. Tim
01-23-2020, 02:42 PM
:dance2: It appears this issue has been resolved:dance2:. It took so long I was almost convinced all images were lost. I am very happy that I was wrong. Here's the email I just received from photobucket:
I'd like to let you know that your account is no longer affected by the site outage.
If you have images that are linked out to other websites and are still unable to see them, you may need to clear your cache and cookies and then restart your browser. You can read more on how to clear your browser's cache and cookies here (
We share your frustration regarding this outage. We've been hard at work on getting the new Photobucket site ready for all our users. The new site will be more reliable and secure to store, share, and host your images.
Please let me know if you need further assistance with your account. Thanks again for your patience.
Kind regards
I still need to sign into my account and do an inventory, but I can see some of my pics now displaying on page 1 of this thread. That is a very good indication that my complete account is back, but it will take some time to inventory and sort things out. If anybody finds any of my images missing, please post a link to that thread here. Thank you for your help and patience. Tim
03-05-2024, 10:34 PM
I've enjoyed Imgur for many years and it works well on my forums. I do have an account on for my trucking memories pics. They are trying to get people to upgrade for some benefits. its supposed to be one of the largest photo sites in the world. It's in English & Russian. Just click on "eng" next to the globe icon in the top right of the page. It's a little annoying but it reverts back to Russian every few pages; oh well.
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