View Full Version : Alignment ok but still pulls right.

02-02-2017, 04:07 PM
Hey Vanatics,
My 1990 Master Ace Surf was straight as an arrow and effortless to drive a month or so ago, but now it tends to pull to the right, ever so slightly. It's not a hard pull, but it seems to always need a finger on the wheel pulling it left to even it out. Seems to take a little more effort to turn right than left. On a flat road it is pretty darn even Steven, but as road camber goes up it wants to dive right pretty hard. I rotated the tires and it didn't seem to help. I had the alignment done two weeks ago and he told me it was straight as an arrow. Had it on the rack today and everything is tight. It almost seems to just respond to camber, or is more willing to go right than left. What do you all think could be going on?

02-02-2017, 05:43 PM
This may be obvious, but have you checked tire condition/pressure?

02-02-2017, 06:25 PM
All in good shape. For now.

02-02-2017, 10:26 PM
Brake drag on the right side? Hand brake not fully releasing on the right?

02-05-2017, 12:56 AM
Not that I can tell. I would smell burning brakes, I think.

02-06-2017, 07:32 PM
I have scheduled it with a proper alignment shop for this week. The Les Schwab near me couldn't find it and the other shop said control arm bushings, both sides, for $800. Schwab found no fault in the control arm bushings after assessing it twice, once after they tried aligning it. Hopefully this guy can figure it out. He seems to be an old pro, and familiar with these vans. It seems to be worsening, which will only help bring out the problem area.

02-06-2017, 08:14 PM

I'm going thru the same thing with my 4WD van but it pulls to the left, easier to turn left then right. I've posted in the 4WD section cause I was told by my last shop I needed a new steeering rack so I posted in the 4WD section at the time (subject- steering rack) but we've discussed a little bit about the alignment being the issue as well. Details of work done is also listed in that thread.

It looks like your ahead of me getting a diagnoses on a similar issue. Im really interested in hearing your results. Please follow up and post:thmbup:

Thank you


02-06-2017, 08:59 PM
JDM van man,
i haven't read your threead yet, but I suspect mine doesn't stem from steering rack, as i don't seem to be fighting the power steering. On a level road the wheel doesn't turn right, it just tracks right. I'm adding a left input to even it out. I think it would try to steer right on me if it was out of whack. I do know my rear shock absorber bushings are shot, but I don't think rear shock bushings would cause any rear steer. Thoughts?

02-06-2017, 09:51 PM
It is hard to tell when the suspentions are loaded and van seating on alignement rig, but maybe some thing is worn or loose and allow a small amount of toe out at the F.R only when moving. Only way to tell is tire ware over time, or, lift van to full droop, unload spring and shake the wheel. I would think the alignement shop would do that if they cannot find anything else no?

02-06-2017, 10:29 PM
Sorry guys I need to make a correction, the thread is located in Toyota Van section under "steering rack option" not the 4WD section.

details of my alignment shop experience is in that thread.


yes it was up in the air when Les Schawb was trying to adjust the caster but they said it was stuck in place. It's still a wonder to me:?:

I'll be taking it to a 3rd shop at the end of the month.



03-15-2017, 12:07 AM
Sorry for the delay. After some good advice to take it to a "legit alignment shop" I was able to get it going straight. And by I I mean the old fella at the alignment shop. The first day I took it and he looked at the basics and scratched his head and "said bring it back on Tuesday and I'll figure it out". He adjusted the caster and toe and has it feeling very lively and light to drive. It's amazing. He has a little bit of toe in on each side and a tiny bit more on the right than left. It seemed that originally everything was within spec but all ever so slightly working together to point the van right. He undid all that and it cost me 50 bucks total. He was the fourth person I had taken it to!

Ace MM
12-21-2018, 03:12 PM
Had this issue, 2 shops, 5 different techs.
Problem always returned. Trying to get a refund too.

Not sure what specs you found (I found several for mine) but the last shop used specs for a U.S. 1st gen 4runner. Components look identical.
Been 500 miles and still goes straight at speed.