View Full Version : Speedometer not working

02-01-2017, 01:04 PM
I have a 2006 Hiace D4D 2500cc diesel. The van doesnt get used much during winter and the speedo and mileometer both stopped working when it had a flat battery and was jump started.

Any ideaes what could this be and how to fix it. Im guessing it could be electrical as it happened when I had the flat battery or this could nbe purly coincidence.

If it makes any difference I am base in the UK. For info I have attached a picture of the speedo and of a similar van.

02-02-2017, 01:12 AM
I have had an issue more than once with my speedometer when I take my dash apart. The speedometer cable plugs into the back of the instrument cluster and I always think I plug it into place far enough but I don't. It really has to "snap" in all the way. One time it worked but it wasnt snapped all the way and after driving for a day or two it stopped working. I pulled the dash apart again and it had popped off.

Doesn't sound like you were taking your dash apart though. Its a long shot but maybe the cable popped off? There is a good thread on here about taking the dash apart. Worth a read if you're going to dig in. I have a 89 townace so its a little different than the pictures from the US model that someone posted but it was close enough for me to figure it out. Its actually pretty easy. I can now get it off so fast that I could probably take my instrument cluster out at a stop light before the light turned green again. 6 screw and some snaps on the townace.