View Full Version : Rubber fuel line question

10-26-2016, 09:10 AM
Hello all,

If anybody knows the sizes off hand for the two fuel lines that go to the tank. (Picture utilized/edited from this forum) Please let me know. I would really appriciate it and you would save me some time. I need to replace a leaking fuel line on my 86. It looks like a rodent chewed it up. I guess rodents like to huff gas down in Tennessee? I would like to swing by the parts store on my way home today. I.D. and O.D if available for both. I took a picture of the leaking line in question on my 89 which is not damaged/leaking for reference.

Thank you,




10-26-2016, 12:27 PM
This is part of the fuel breather hose assembly. Im going to get a caliper and go measure the hard lines now.

I will post the answer to my own question later.



10-26-2016, 04:20 PM
The breather hose for the fuel tank is 5/8". Hard tofind 5/8" fuel line at auto parts stores? I may be ordering it online orgoing to the Tractor/Semi repair store for this stuff? Does anyone else find itweird that I have to answer my own questions on this forum :confused:

10-26-2016, 11:42 PM
Shouldn't be hard at all. For what it's worth though O'Reilly and AutoZone had an absolutely awful selection when it came to hose type/size/diameter. When my hose of death split in half the staff AutoZone kept insisting that fuel line hose was the same as heater hose and would work just as well (it doesn't), and was generally not helpful and didn't carry what I needed. Napa was much more helpful and had exactly what I needed, and sells this stuff by the foot. So to make a long story short, if there is a Napa near you, check there first for your fuel hose. Good luck! :dance2:

10-27-2016, 12:08 PM
Thank you for the info. There is a Napa in town, however Ialready repaired the issue. This breather assembly is segmented as noted in thedrawing. I ended running one piece of fuel line form the tank vent nipple tothe splice located right under the sliding door. So far so good. This is just abreather hose and does not get pressurized. Something I need to check is thatthe hose runs downhill all the way back to the tank, as not to trap any liquid fuelin the breather. Thanks for the advice and I do really appreciate this forum.