View Full Version : Visor mount repair - Plast-aid

01-01-2016, 07:12 PM
Like many folks, I had a left side sun visor that sagged when it was unclipped from the hook, because the plastic mount was broken, inside where the shaft goes up through it. There's a lot of force on that little piece of plastic and when ages, it cracks. The plastic column that guides the shaft was about half broken away, and the pieces were somewhere up behind the headliner. I found the right side was on the way to being as bad as the left side. I wasn't able to find replacements, so....

Plast-aid to the rescue. I waxed the part of the shaft that the Plast-aid would touch, then built it up around the shaft, making it thick enough that the spring would have something to push on. It takes about 15 minutes to set up, but I waited about 30 minutes before putting it back into place.

I've used Plast-aid in a bunch of places on my '88 4WD van, including fixing the glove box hinges, the plastic parts in the dome light that hold the buttons, the cracked spare tire cover, and the broken-away part of the console cover, at least. You can get it online or at some swimming pool supply places. It's good for many, many applications on most types of plastic (just not the milk-jug type).

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