View Full Version : Driverside Mirror Repair Question

03-11-2011, 01:01 PM
Yesterday morning, I shut my driverside door and my mirror fell off. :LOL2: It's just the actual glass/plastic mirror and not the whole mirror unit itself. I'll take pics later and post them, but it looks like it was just held on with two big globs of black adhesive.

My question is, what type of adhesive do I use to reattach my mirror? :lol: It looks similar to the same type of adhesive that they use to attach bathroom mirrors to the drywall, can I use the same stuff?

Sucks that I'm going to have to buy a whole tube of this stuff, because it looks like I won't need very much, but at least it should be an easy fix.

03-12-2011, 02:08 AM
I've done this before. I just used clear silicone and it worked fine. I put a glob in each corner and one in the middle, then pushed the glass into place. I rolled up a small piece of cardboard and placed on the glass, then wrapped tape around the body of the mirror and over the cardboard to keep pressure on the glass. Make sure both surfaces are clean before applying silicone and do it at the end of the day so it has overnight to cure. Tim

03-12-2011, 06:33 PM
Cool, I actually have plenty of that type of stuff! :thmbup: I'll be taking care of this tomorrow. thanks for the info Tim

I know it's a simple chore, but I might even take pics. :lol:

03-17-2011, 10:26 AM
I wish I had a garage... I haven't been able to fix it yet because we've either had rain or really wet thick fog during all the times I've had time to fix this.:no: You don't realize how often you use that mirror until you don't have it. :lol: