View Full Version : Fuel pressure regulator???

07-28-2015, 08:58 PM
So as previously posted, I am having some problems with my fuel system. When I got fuel and unscrewed my gas cap I noticed that I had a lot of pressure release. I did not know if it was normal because I have not driven the van much since owning it. So I currently have a leak at the fuel filter on the motor. I can hear pressurized air leaking from around the filter after the car has been turned off. I am wondering if the fuel regulator can be the culprit. If so does anyone have any tips on replacing one?



07-28-2015, 10:12 PM
I found and read the write up about the fuel pressure regulator. Super informative. Im thinking my problem isn't that. Im looking at getting a vented gas cap. Any thought or recommendations?

07-29-2015, 02:08 AM
Fuel systems are supposed to be sealed. It's normal for some pressure to release when opening the cap. The "vented" gas cap is designed more for allowing air into the tank to replace consumed fuel than allowing pressure to be vented. They do however have a relief valve in them if the pressure becomes excessive. As far as the leak goes, did you replace the copper sealing washers when you replaced your fuel filter?

07-29-2015, 07:49 AM
You it is possible that I did not replace the copper washers. It's been a few months since I did the work. If they came with the filter I know I would have used them but I know sometimes they don't. I wish i could remember. I'll get some and try it out.