View Full Version : Idle adjustment 3yc carburettor

04-03-2015, 04:00 AM
Hi all,
I'm needing some help adjusting the idle on my van. A 1994 townace. There are two screws, one master and another controlling what looks to be the choke? How are these supposed to be adjusted relative to each other and should they be adjusted when the engine is hot or cold?

04-03-2015, 01:56 PM
Tough question. Most of us here are in North America & we never had carbureted vans here (ours are fuel injected). Other than yard equipment I don't think I've worked on anything with a carburetor in the past 20 years :doh:. Admittedly, I'm not the best person to ask, but typically idle us set by adjusting the throttle stop screw. It's the one that the throttle (cable guide) bumps up against when you're not pushing on the gas. Tim

04-04-2015, 06:02 AM
Thanks for the reply!, it makes sense now why any carburettor related searches came up blank...

My main problem is that the engine is idling poorly, if at all once she's heated up. Idles fine when cold. Any non-carbie/fuel injector ideas as to what the problem could be? I've put new spark plugs in, new distributor cap and checked timing all with no improvement....



04-04-2015, 09:34 AM
Perhaps a choke adjustment?

04-04-2015, 08:54 PM

i dont one know much about the mechanics of our vehicles so I do a bunch of "how to" searches and I found this one that might help you. It's not on a Toyota but I would assume most carbs are essentially the same when they start to act up and need adjustments and maintenace... " hopefull assumption":?:

but out check out this video, theres about 6 parts to it but I picked this one hoping its closest to your issue-


04-05-2015, 12:11 PM

Check this out of you need to replace yours, this the last OEM one on eBay check it out-


of course double check that it's the right one

good luck:thmbup:

05-13-2015, 05:48 PM
thanks for the replies and advice!
after a good week of problem solving - new filters, plugs, gaskets, throttle adjustments, distributer, ignition timing, vacuum hoses...... I found the culprit. A little earth cable from the engine block to the firewall had snapped after 20 yrs of service... 80cents in parts and 5 minutes later bingo. Haha :clap: