View Full Version : Rear heating/cooling controls--reattaching the spider cables

05-16-2014, 10:32 AM
I am sure this is on here somewhere already but I can't find it and want to finish this step and move on! Taking apart the interior to my 87 Cargo and I ran across a problem:

On the rear heating control spider, which color goes to which switch? I have the black and white cables and I can get them to reattach both ways. I should have taken a picture before taking it apart:pissed: but I did not. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

05-16-2014, 11:15 AM
sometimes I forget that I have other vans to look at :silvervan::redvan::silvervan::)

About 30 seconds after starting this thread, I ran out and checked my still operational controls on my daily driver LE. (yes, I managed to dismantle 2 other rear control units without noting the cables orientation)

So I got it. Facing the controls, black in front, white in rear.

01-06-2019, 09:07 PM
OK, on my 87 Cargo van I only have a BLACK cable, that I now know controls the temp. I don't know if I am supposed to have the white cable however... it isn't present. Anyone know wher I would look to find it?

I scoured the underside of the van (the black one comes from there... the other white cable though? Not seeing it. Or is it that on the cargo version, the button simply controls the AC?

I R confused. Doh~!:)>:

Meh, never mind… found the white cable. Broken under the van... oh well, must have snagged a branch or something.

QUESTION! Where are the flapper/ mixer doors for the rear climate control?