View Full Version : power steering line - part available?

03-13-2014, 01:56 PM
Well, we got the starting issues successfully resolved and have now moved on, a little further down the rabbit hole.

Thought we'd just go ahead and replace the PS pump, rather than continue to mess around with new seals and gaskets, hoping they fixed the leak (like we did a year ago). Turned out it was a little beyond our mechanical capability, so we turned it over to our awesome mechanic.

Phone call from him this morning told us that the entire power steering line was so brittle that when he touched it, it basically fell apart in 4 pieces. He's been trying to locate a replacement, but can't find a factory one. Said he can solve it "somehow" (not sure yet what he's got in mind).. but just wondered if anyone has a suggestion on locating replacement PS line.

03-13-2014, 02:22 PM
There are several PS lines. The 2 most stressed ones (due to engine heat & vibrations) are the return line (goes between the reservoir & pump across the top of the engine), and the pressure line that goes from the pump to the rack (banjo bolt connection on side of pump). Both lines are very expensive if you purchase OEM (probably the $200+ range). I used to insist on OEM, but due to price & availability I have changed my opinion. The return line can be replaced with bulk hose. There's no pressure here, but it needs to be rated for oil. I believe the ID is 5/8". For the pump pressure line, here's a thread where this is discussed. Dogfish's way is good but requires brazing. If you scroll down a bit you'll see my version that can be done with compression fittings (no brazing). Tim
