View Full Version : figuring out code

02-06-2014, 11:36 AM
Hey everybody. cool to see lots of activity on here lately.
I decided I'd check to see if my van was storing any codes since I've never done that before. The one that came up is the steady six flashes, Rpm signals. I'm not having any issues besides low fuel economy (winter tires?). The previous owner added a push button start and a kill switch and I'm wondering if that would cause this code since #4 trouble area is starter signal circuit. huh?

thanks. Niko

02-06-2014, 03:38 PM
The RPM signal code could be left over from a past repair or even from cranking the engine with the igniter disconnected. You should reset codes, verify there are none, then check codes again after a couple days of normal driving. If it comes back then it might be worth looking into. I'm guessing it will stay gone. Tim

02-11-2014, 09:29 AM
checked again last night and its no longer there. guess its time to make another donation to toyota van tech. Thanks Tim.