View Full Version : Replaced clutch disc on Previa AWD; ran at first but now won't move
01-12-2014, 02:59 PM
I have just replaced the clutch disc on my 1991 Toyota Previa 4WD. It ran a few days; now when I put it in gear it doesn't move; there is a whinning sound when the clutch is completely released and should be moving, but it dosen't. What have I done?
01-12-2014, 08:04 PM
Did it slip before it failed or did it fail all at once? If all at once, 1st thing to do is check the position of the clutch fork that comes out the bell housing and make sure the slave is not pushing against it. If there's no tension there, then it's most likely a problem in the clutch disc or pressure plate. If there is tension at the clutch fork, open the bleeder and/or adjust as required (to relieve pressure). If gradual failure (increasing slippage) Perhaps contamination? Is there any fluid dripping from the bell housing? Did you thoroughly clean the pressure plate and flywheel with a strong chemical (like lacquer thinner or brake clean) before assembly? Keep in mind metal clutch parts (Pressure plate and flywheel) are typically coated with cosmoline as a rust preventative measure. This is an oily/waxy substance to preserve parts (while sitting on the shelf). It is easily removed with chemicals (and it must be removed) before installation. If it's left there or if you get grease, oil, or brake fluid on or around any of the friction surfaces the clutch will likely fail prematurely (the clutch must have friction to do it's job, oily/waxy substances reduce friction).
There's also a chance the pressure plate failed. I've seen these come apart before. Pull the inspection plate and look to see if any springs, rivets or other loose parts are laying there. I sure hope it's something minor. Please report back with what you find. Tim
PS: Do a visual check on your drive-shafts to verify everything is intact. Also check to see if it does the same thing in all gears. If it does, then have somebody look at the drive shafts to verify there is no movement on them when you try to engage the clutch.
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