View Full Version : Recommended Tire Pressure?

12-02-2013, 02:20 AM

Going on that trip on Friday and driving 4,000 miles. I plan to check tires at every rest stop taken :) I was just wondering, what is the recommended tire pressure level for the trip? ^_^ Mostly doing highways obviously and some colder places (Pacific Northwest)

so basically: What should the tires read every time? and if not, I should fill them to what?


12-02-2013, 02:50 AM
According to the manual, if you run LT tires, Toyota recommends 40psi. For "P" tires (which are passenger rated) the recommended inflation is 35psi. These are guidelines based on normal loading. If you carry higher than average loads, depending on the tires you run, you may wish to run higher tire pressure. The max load & inflation is printed (in small print) on each tire, so if you decide to go beyond 35 psi, make sure you stay within these stated limits. Tim

Note: If you're carrying a heavy load, most experts agree that it's safer to over inflate rather than under inflate (assuming you stay within the limits printed on the tires).

PS: Good luck on your trip and have fun! :wave1:

12-03-2013, 01:39 AM
Thank you so much, this is incredibly helpful, as with a heavy load being carried, I now know to go to ~40psi and will definitely look on the tires though. Thank you for wishing me luck I really appreciate it Tim!!!!