View Full Version : Sliding door handle / exterior mechanism

08-09-2013, 07:37 PM
My sliding door handle doesn't work from the outside. It works from the inside so hasn't been to big a deal for me. Today i took off the interior panelling to get a look at the mechanism. I couldn't really tell what the issue was without removing all of the mechanics. Does anybody know where I can purchase a full replacement? Im weary to remove everything now and chance messing up the working interior handle. I have an 85 2wd if it makes a difference. Thanks! I am loving my van. road tripping every week :)

08-12-2013, 07:37 AM
You might be able to call around and find one at a dealer for about $130. It's a No Longer Available (NLA) item, but I got one last year in Carson City NV. Check ebay listings, or Pick-N-Pulls.

08-12-2013, 12:16 PM
It's a part that breaks every so often so it's a good idea to have a spare, then start looking again when you install it. I grab them up every time I see them at the salvage yards. They usually last me around 5 years or so, but sometimes I'll go through 2 or more a year. The yards will usually sell for around $5 & eBay sellers will usually want around $40. I searched eBay when you 1st posted, but there were currently none available. Tim

04-11-2017, 01:55 PM
I dunno if it's ever come up in another thread, but have we discussed WHY these break?

Reason being, I just finally found one, and it's in amazing shape. I've had my van for six years and the handle has never ever worked, so I'm excited to put it in. I'm assuming that the main cause of failure is stuck cables vs. cheapie metal (they all break on the top mount, right?)

It seems like keeping the cables and mechanism well-lubed and adjusted would give some longevity ... but if they break twice a year at times, maybe something was just funked up with the original design. :rol:

04-11-2017, 02:24 PM
Although problems with the mechanism could accelerate failure, IMO it's a design issue (that and cheap pot metal). I keep my doors in good repair, and at times I've gone through 2 or 3 of these per year. Knock on wood, it's been ~ 5 years now since I replaced last (must have got a good one). Any time I find one at a salvage yard I take it and save it for later. I've never purchased one of these new (not sure they're even still available). I heard once from somebody that they improved these (strengthened) on 89 models, but I do not know if there's any truth to that. If true, it would explain why some break right away while others seem to last a long time. Tim

04-11-2017, 10:34 PM
I am missing so many accessory/trim parts that at one point I started actively looking for alternatives. I have picked up all kinds of door handles, lock buttons and rear seat release buttons and other interior cosmetic parts that fit, that I regret not keeping a log.

I have yet to try looking for replacement for things like full interior/exterior rear or side door latch/lock assemblies. They should hopefully boil down to a matter of search time...

It helps to take an old part with you.

Sounds like a good thread, though... "Alternative Parts"... if anyone chooses to start it. I will definitely log my next Used Parts Yard experience if I ever get any spare time again.


05-28-2017, 10:29 AM

I am parting out my 84 van and was told to save the sliding door handle, but I don't know exactly what to take off. Does the outside of the handle rust out? Mine didn't.

I guess this is the diagram even though it doesn't look like it:
https://www.oemgenuineparts.com/oem-parts/toyota-handle-outside-6923028010/?c=Zz1ib2R5JnM9Z2xhc3Mtc2lkZS1kb29yJmk9ODQzMTIwNCZ yPTE0JmE9dG95b3RhJm89dmFuJnk9MTk4NCZ0PXdhZ29uLWxlJ mU9Mi0wbC1sNC1nYXM%3D

Not sure whether to save all the linkages, etc from the inside or just the outside handle itself. What about the release handle on the inside??

Thanks for the help in advance.


05-28-2017, 11:13 AM
You literally just have to save the handle, it's all self-contained and is a real easy job.

All you have to do is just remove the sliding door panel from the inside of the van and then you'll see that the sliding door handle is held on to the door by two 12mm (10mm?) nuts. First, disconnect the cables leading to the handle and then remove the two nuts and it comes right out.

The whole job takes less than 5 minutes once you get the inner panel off. I don't know if the panel was something you were planning on saving but I imagine that part may be the most tedious part.

EDIT: Here are the pictures of the handle from my van part out. They'll give you an idea of what exactly you need to pull. The second picture shows you where they typically crack, and the third picture is a shot of the back of it, showing the two nuts (at the top and bottom of the handle) that need to be removed in order to free it from the van.




05-29-2017, 08:24 AM

That makes my job a whole lot easier.



PNW vanwagon
01-06-2018, 12:08 AM
like many others i had a long crack forming on my sliding door handle. started with a few millimeters a year ago and spread to a couple centimeters. worse, the handle was flexing so the latch would barely open the door as of late. masked off a small area with tape and put a thin bead of regular 'ol JB weld.

works really well: stopped the crack from spreading and latch feels tight again and no more flex. been a couple months - hopefully a long term fix. can't see the small dark grey weld unless you're really looking while holding down the latch.

so don't wait for that crack to get bigger. handles are getting scarce and it's a 5.00 and 10 minute fix!


01-08-2018, 10:51 PM
I like it! Thanks for posting! Preventive maintenance is the best kind.

02-27-2019, 08:16 PM
Hey all! Thanks for posting how to remove the sliding door handle. I just replaced mine and have come across an issue where now it opens from the outside, but not the inside. (The issue has literally flip flopped)

Has anyone had this issue prior, and how do I fix it? All of my searching puts me back into this thread, hence me asking this here. My apologies if it's buried in another thread.

Thanks everyone!


02-27-2019, 10:19 PM
As a first step, you will want to ensure that the child-lock isn't engaged, as that will produce the exact situation you describe

02-28-2019, 01:23 PM
I'm not entirely sure that my van has a child lock. I have never noticed anything like it. I have a 1986 Cargo. I literally swapped out the handle and the issue I was having flip flopped. The door was opening fine from the inside prior. How would it become engaged?

As a first step, you will want to ensure that the child-lock isn't engaged, as that will produce the exact situation you describe

02-28-2019, 02:08 PM
I'm not entirely sure that my van has a child lock. I have never noticed anything like it. I have a 1986 Cargo. I literally swapped out the handle and the issue I was having flip flopped. The door was opening fine from the inside prior. How would it become engaged?

02-28-2019, 02:39 PM
Thanks Originalkwyjibo & Burntboot

You both are magicians. I legit never even noticed the child lock and not entirely sure how it got engaged, but that was it!

06-05-2023, 10:31 PM
Greetings vanfolks!

i come here with an issue ive noticed today. while i was out picking up some cargo, i noticed my sliding door (like everyone else here, outside handle has broke but the inside one still works) decided to not open. of course, i forgot the child lock and closed it some time ago. i managed to undo the child lock on the door via the gap between the sliding door and the body. i still cant seem to open the door and im thinking ill have to take the panel off to unlock it. any advice on this? looks like the panel is just held in place with bent tabs... hopefully it can be unlocked from inside the panel somehow.

06-09-2023, 04:21 PM
Got the panel off and my side door opening again! :dance1: For anyone else curious how to remove the door panel, it goes a little something like this:

Get some needlenose pliers, a philips head screwdriver, a trim removal tool (strongly reccomend, first picture for refference)or a flathead screwdriver12144

First, remove this interior bit which will need to come off as it holds the panel to the door too. Use a proper philips for the job to avoid rounding it out.

Next, removing the clips gently from the door. I broke two of my top clips figuring out how to in the process so learn from me. 12145

Using your trim tool remover or a flathead screwdriver, gently wedge it underneath a clip and SLIGHTLY bend it away from the door panel, emphasis on gently and slightly. Do NOT use pliers to bend it more than necessary, as you will probably snap it. To make removing a panel easier, only remove the top and side clips, as the panel will then fall down and out of its slot, no removal of the bottom clips neccessary. i reattached a top clip for demonstration, heres what it looks like removing it:

gently pry a top/side clip like shown
behind the panel, each clip sits in a rubber grommet holding it. using your pliers of choice, pull the clip straight out of the grommet
after this is done, simply slide the clip out of the hole on the panel, and voila! use some needle nose pliers if its tricky to grab with your fingers

now that the panel is off, there is a piece of plastic sheet for keeping dust out underneath it, now i dont have any heatguns or any method of removal or reinstallation for this so i will look underneath this plastic flap for the handle and lock bits which are here
and this linkage is what you will want to pull on! in the second photo; after pulling it, open it and now you should not forget again to leave the child lock on!!!! this linkage here is for the child lock actuation so just pull it towards you to disable it and free your interior handle 12152

wish i could do more, such as maybe resecuring my door lock which likes to flop around (dont think it works as it doesnt lock or unlock) or replacing the handle which would be very nice.
still glad i could get my door open though, and make a helpful write up for anyone else curious on how to do so! oh also, if you want to remove any other particle board panels, use these same steps as they all use this method. happy fixing!! :thmbup:

06-10-2023, 04:51 PM
actually upon sleeping on what i did yesterday, I think removing the panel with the clips still inside of the panel (such as prying behind the panel around where the clips go into the rubber grommets) would've made this job easier and faster, and not be stuck with bent clips and whatnot :doh: oh well, ya learn as ya go. Currently looking for the part number for those metal clips that hold on the particle board panel as I'm posting this... will update when I got it. Interesting to note is on my rear door panel, it has two different styles of metal clips, could've been replaced at some point? Who knows.

06-13-2023, 04:32 PM
So, here's the clips and grommet part numbers and pictures for those curious:

For the darker, square metal clips (such as the ones I broke) they are "RETAINER" Part # 67771-20022
For the lighter colored ones with a division down the middle, they are "RETAINER" Part # 67771-14010
For the rubber grommets these clips go into in the body panels, I can't seem to find them available online as the part number seems to be conflicting and/or superseded by a Lexus fastener for some reason. Possibly NLA?