View Full Version : Overdrive problems

11-12-2012, 11:25 PM
So I'm driving out of town the other day for a study, van runs fine no issues. But I noticed it took forever to get into Overdrive, I had to speed up to 70mph maybe a tad bit more and cruise at that speed for a few till it kicks into Overdrive and then I go back down to 65mph and set the cruise control. The next day driving back home, it didn't wanna kick into Overdrive at all. I drove home doing 60mph since it didn't seem to keep the RPMs' to high and still able to maintain normal highway speeds. But wtf could be the issue? Could it be that the trans cable needs to be adjusted or is the OD switch not working? HELP??? It's already bad on gas mileage in my mind, and I do alot of highway driving

11-13-2012, 12:55 PM
There is a temp sensor on the engine that needs to be satisfied before it will allow overdrive to kick in. In cold weather sometimes it takes a bit longer. Is your temperature gauge reading in the normal zone? If it reads low then you may have a stuck or missing thermostat. This alone can prevent OD operation in cold weather.

If temp is normal but still no OD, then the 1st thing to do is disconnect the wire going to the OD temp sensor. If the OD works then you've got a bad sensor. There are other possibilities, but these things are easy to check, so do this 1st.

Normally I'd include pictures or references to the service manual, but unfortunately my manuals are still packed in boxes & I don't currently have access. If you have a factory service manual go to the transmission section and look it up. It should show you locations of components. Tim

11-13-2012, 08:28 PM
Thanks Tim, I'll have the previa on the lift since I am planning on installing new suspension I have here. Hopefully its something simple, but honestly my temp gauge does not go into the half way mark. It tends to stay really low, especially with the cold weather we are having. I think I'm gonna let it run for 30mins in my driveway before going to work to see if it'll get warm

11-04-2014, 06:17 PM
Just noticed that my OD button for over drive / does not work hahah. I mean, it goes through all 4 gears, but when I push the button for the transmission to downshift to 3rd gear. It does not work, the light does not turn on, or shifts into 3rd. Any of you guys have this issue?

11-05-2014, 02:33 AM
sounds like a bad switch or disconnected switch.... I'd start looking there first
be very careful taking the steering column apart, the plastic is brittle after all these years!